Proposing a component or pattern

The contents of the DfE Design System must be of a high quality and meet user needs. To guarantee this, all components and patterns need to meet certain criteria.

New proposals criteria
Criteria Description

You can demonstrate that this component or pattern would be useful for other DfE teams or services.

The need for the pattern or component has been validated through user research.

Evidence could be screenshot or links to versions of it being used in different services.

Unique It does not replicate something already in the GOV.UK or DfE Design System.
Users There are other user groups completing similar tasks who would benefit from this component or pattern.

Check the backlog

If your idea is not on the DfE Frontend backlog, and meets the criteria above, add an issue.

If you cannot access the project, or add an issue, contact the DesignOps team to discuss it.

What to include

At this stage, you just need to present your idea and evidence of the user needs. You can include screenshots or links to versions of the component or pattern in use, but avoid spending time working on a specific design or writing code.

What happens next

The Components and patterns working group will discuss your proposal. If they think it is something that should be added to DfE design system, they will publish it.

More information

If you’ve got a question about the DfE Design System, contact the DesignOps team.