
You should follow the installation instructions before using this component.

The card component is a versatile user interface element used to display grouped information in a visually appealing and organised way.

They can enhance user interaction and content presentation across various applications and devices.

Test as plain content first

Cards can make things harder to understand if overused or used incorrectly. Before using them, test your content as structured content with headers and paragraphs and grid layout.

Basic cards

An example of a basic card component used in a group.


Card title

A short description for the card.

Card title

A short description for the card.

<div class="dfe-grid-container">
    <div class="dfe-card">
        <div class="dfe-card-container">
          <h3 class="govuk-heading-m">
              <a href="#" class="govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state dfe-card-link--header">Card title</a>
          <p>A short description for the card.</p>
    <div class="dfe-card">
        <div class="dfe-card-container">
          <h3 class="govuk-heading-m">
              <a href="#" class="govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state dfe-card-link--header">Card title</a>
          <p>A short description for the card.</p>
{% from 'node_modules/dfe-frontend/packages/components/card/macro.njk' import card %}
{{ card({
    cards: [
            "imageCard": false,
            "imagePath": "/images/sample-image.jpg",
            "altText": "Sample Image",
            "headingLevel": "3",
            "linkCard": true,
            "link": "#",
            "openInNewTab": false,
            "heading": "Sample Card Title",
            "description": "A short description for the card.",
            "meta": ""
          "imageCard": false,
          "imagePath": "/images/sample-image.jpg",
          "altText": "Sample Image",
          "headingLevel": "3",
          "linkCard": true,
          "link": "#",
          "openInNewTab": false,
          "heading": "Sample Card Title",
          "description": "A short description for the card.",
          "meta": ""
}) }}

Basic with meta information

An example of a basic card component used in a group which has meta data.


Card title

A short description for the card.

Meta information.

Card title

A short description for the card.

Meta information.

<div class="dfe-grid-container">
  <div class="dfe-card">
      <div class="dfe-card-container">
        <h3 class="govuk-heading-m">
            <a href="#" class="govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state dfe-card-link--header">Card title</a>
        <p>A short description for the card.</p>
        <p class="govuk-body-s">Meta information.</p>
  <div class="dfe-card">
      <div class="dfe-card-container">
        <h3 class="govuk-heading-m">
            <a href="#" class="govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state dfe-card-link--header">Card title</a>
        <p>A short description for the card.</p>
        <p class="govuk-body-s">Meta information.</p>
{% from 'node_modules/dfe-frontend/packages/components/card/macro.njk' import card %}
{{ card({
    cards: [
            "imageCard": false,
            "imagePath": "/images/sample-image.jpg",
            "altText": "Sample Image",
            "headingLevel": "3",
            "linkCard": true,
            "link": "#",
            "openInNewTab": false,
            "heading": "Sample Card Title",
            "description": "A short description for the card.",
            "meta": "Meta information"
          "imageCard": false,
          "imagePath": "/images/sample-image.jpg",
          "altText": "Sample Image",
          "headingLevel": "3",
          "linkCard": true,
          "link": "#",
          "openInNewTab": false,
          "heading": "Sample Card Title",
          "description": "A short description for the card.",
          "meta": "Meta information"
}) }}

Cards with image

An example of a card component used in a group which has meta data and an image.


Sample Image

Sample Card Title

A short description for the card.

Meta information

Sample Image

Sample Card Title

A short description for the card.

Meta information

<div class="dfe-grid-container">
  <div class="dfe-card">
      <img src="/assets/images/assessment-blog.png" alt="Sample Image">
      <div class="dfe-card-container">
        <h3 class="govuk-heading-m">
            <a href="#" class="govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state dfe-card-link--header">Sample Card Title</a>
        <p>A short description for the card.</p>
        <p class="govuk-body-s">Meta information</p>
  <div class="dfe-card">
      <img src="/assets/images/assessment-blog.png" alt="Sample Image">
      <div class="dfe-card-container">
        <h3 class="govuk-heading-m">
            <a href="#" class="govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state dfe-card-link--header">Sample Card Title</a>
        <p>A short description for the card.</p>
        <p class="govuk-body-s">Meta information</p>
{% from 'node_modules/dfe-frontend/packages/components/card/macro.njk' import card %}
{{ card({
    cards: [
            "imageCard": true,
            "imagePath": "/assets/images/assessment-blog.png",
            "altText": "Sample Image",
            "headingLevel": "3",
            "linkCard": true,
            "link": "#",
            "openInNewTab": false,
            "heading": "Sample Card Title",
            "description": "A short description for the card.",
            "meta": "Meta information"
          "imageCard": true,
          "imagePath": "/assets/images/assessment-blog.png",
          "altText": "Sample Image",
          "headingLevel": "3",
          "linkCard": true,
          "link": "#",
          "openInNewTab": false,
          "heading": "Sample Card Title",
          "description": "A short description for the card.",
          "meta": "Meta information"
}) }}


Details of the properties that you can configure when using the nunjucks version of this component.

Parameter Name Type Description
imageCard Boolean Sets the image section ready for an image
imagePath string Path to your image file
altText string Alternative description of the image.
headingLevel number Should be a number between 2 and 4 indicating the heading level of the hard title
linkCard Boolean Sets whether the card header is a link and therefore the whole card clickable.
link String URL to link to.
openInNewTab Boolean Set to true if the link should open in a new tab. Default is false
heading Object The text for the card header.
description String The body text of the card under the header.
meta string If true, sets up a small body tag for containing meta text which is smaller than the card body and pushed to the bottom of the card.

Services using this component

The following services are using this component:

Help us improve this component

To improve this component based on user needs and research, you can contribute on the Card - Component #13 project issue.