
Details of the properties that you can configure when using the nunjucks version of this component.

Parameter Name Type Description
showNav Boolean Controls whether the navigation menu is displayed.
showSearch Boolean Controls whether the search functionality is displayed.
showUserName Boolean Controls whether the username or user-related information is displayed.
showHeaderActionLinks Boolean Controls whether the header action links are displayed.
logoPath String Specifies the path to the logo images used in the header.
logoAltText String Provides the alternative text for the logo images.
classes String Additional CSS classes that might be added to the header element.
attributes Object Additional HTML attributes for the header element, handled in a loop for each attribute-value pair.
homeHref String Specifies the href for the homepage link associated with the logo.
ariaLabel String Accessibility label for the logo link, providing a text alternative for screen readers if not set, defaults to "DfE homepage".
headerActionLinks Array An array of objects where each object contains `url` and `label` for action links in the header.
searchAction String Specifies the URL for the POST action on the search form.
searchInputName String Specifies the name attribute for the search input, defaulting to "search-field" if not provided.
service Object An object containing `serviceUrl` and the `name` of the service.
primaryLinks Array An array of objects for primary navigation links, where each object contains `url` and `label`.
selectedNav String A parameter used to mark the current navigation item as active. You can pass it an object set in a view, for example: